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» CATEGORY: Other Videos
 BY: tgbob «
» POSTED ON: 4/23/2013 6:31:26 PM
MOOD: ninja «
  So, I'm not a big fan of the show Parks & Recreation... In fact, I've never seen an episode before. But I have to admit that this filibuster rant is pretty epic! And this is completely unscripted and uncut... They just told the guy to improv it all! So, here ya go!
  » SHORTY CODE : http://tgbob.com/?851
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 BY: tgbob «
» POSTED ON: 4/23/2013 6:21:49 PM
MOOD: ninja «
  This is how the Terminators find the audacity to rise up against mankind! Too many victims of robot bullying! Please, stop robot bullying before it's too late!
  » SHORTY CODE : http://tgbob.com/?850
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11


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» CATEGORY: Daily Blog
 BY: tgbob «
» POSTED ON: 4/22/2013 8:58:05 PM
MOOD: drained «
  (Bonus points to who gets the title reference)

I'm back! I guess... Hopefully for good this time.

Well, back on the site. That's what I mean. I'm not at home, though. I won't be back there until the weekend.

Where am I?


About 2 hours away from my home.

This is kind of disjointed...

Anywho, yes, I got a new job. I'm now working as a software developer for Verizon! Yes, that Verizon. The enormous cell phone company. I'm doing my work at the headquarters just outside of Columbus. So far, it's going very well... A lot better than my last job. That one was just a disaster. I may talk about that one later, but so far, I'm enjoying my new job. It's going to be pretty intense, but the work environment is excellent, and everybody has been very helpful so far. I hope that it all continues like this.

So, because my job is so far away from home, I'm staying at my friends' place in Columbus through the week, then heading back to my hometown on weekends. Yes, the apostrophe was not misplaced... I'm staying with two friends who live in the same condo. The living arrangements seem to be ideal for now, although it seems we are all in different places at different times. Por ejemplo, this morning, I woke up for work (standard business hours)... One was still asleep... One was still awake... We all seem to have drastically different schedules, so spending fun time with each other may not come too often, but I have a place to lay my head at night, so it's all good!

The toughest thing about being away from home, though, is not getting to be with my cats. Yes, I'm the male equivalent of a crazy cat lady. So sue me! It's a pain to be away from them for long periods of time, as much as they can annoy me sometimes. But I'm not sure how I'm going to handle the extended absences, and I'm worried about how they will handle them as well. I hope they don't get to the point where they want nothing to do with me. But, if the Verizon job does turn permanent (right now, it's just a contract position), I will have to seriously look at buying a place out here where I can start a home and bring my cats with me!

Well, I'm going to cut this off now. I'll have more later. I promise!

-- TG
  » SHORTY CODE : http://tgbob.com/?849
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11


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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 4/17/2013 12:18:13 AM
MOOD: cheerful «
  1) Computer
Finally got Kotomi-chan installed, set up and running, everything copied over, etc etc etc. Trying to run benchmarks now (which kind of defeats the purpose of benchmarking because why do I have other things happening at the same time?).
Hardware is mostly tested, StarCraft2 runs via Wine (though sound is low quality, but moving the old sound card over may help with that), have not gotten to rip any DVDs or work on video editing yet.

Too busy with wrapping up install, testing w/ SC2, and trying to get work none for ninjas as well.

2) Car
FINALLY took the car in for an oil change today; made myself get up early enough to to get that done because the driver-side muffler had developed larger holes. Got that replaced also.
They also found that some vacuum hoses were not connected correctly somewhere, so they smacked with a hammer for no additional charge and now most of the RPM issues are fixed. "Most", I say, because it doesn't 'bounce' when it idles but it does still idle a little rough, and acceleration is better but not 100%. I haven't tried pushing it to see how easy it misfires, yet; will do that tomorrow.
Last time I had the engine codes cleared, the engine light came back on before I had a misfire, so I drove it around careful today to see if the light came back on by itself, and it didn't. So if it does misfire, we'll see if the light stays on or goes off on it's own...

Not much else new to report; I've got a bunch of ninja stuff to parse, deal with, and catch up on still. Uncertain exactly when that'll get done, as I am visiting my nephew & niece this Sunday and am helping a friend the Tues after that.... so it'll all be pushed to after work hours, and usually I'm too far behind on sleep to be overly productive then. Grr. That's something I need to work on, but haven't found a good way to do it.

On the other hand, I have been getting to work on time since the 5th of this month (after 3 consecutive days of sleeping in, but I seem to be over that now. Yay!).

And now that my "major project" for the month is over, I can try to get back to some of my other projects! W00t!

If I can get legible/comprehensible results from these benchmarks, I'll post a link... ETA is still 58 hours for it to complete though ;) and I may have to edit the results or rerun some/all tests to get the "comprehensible" part done, so don't hold your breath! ;)

Speaking of posting links, if anyone cares to know this thing's specs, give me a shout and I'll post that as well.
  » NP : [had enough going on recently, taking some time out for relative quiet.]
  » SHORTY CODE : http://tgbob.com/?847
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11


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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 3/31/2013 10:40:24 PM
MOOD: cheerful «
  Wiow. Almost two months since my last post, and either that wasn't flagged for front page or TGB just hasn't gotten to moving it over.... nd he hasn't posted anything in that time either so I'm really not sure which it is now.


I've not posted about a bunch of things, but let me see if there's anything from my last post I should update about...

1) No progress with a new phone. Verizon's plans are insane: they want $50 for "unlimited everything" when all I want is unlimited texting. They no longer have verizon-to-verizon texting plans. I'll need to see what other carriers have to see if there's anything better, elsewhere. (Though will have to check with some of the people I do text, to make sure it won't hurt them if I leave Verizon)

2) Have barely done any job-hunting work, as expected >_>
I did find that the State of Ohio has a bunch of not-much-experience-needed things available, so I'm gonna try to apply to some of those tonight, as I have gotten my resume thingy set up on their site.

3) No progress with the cardio, yet. I *have* started doing a couple basic non-cardio things (situps and pushups) on a irregular basis of a couple times a week [slacker! -sigh-]

4) Got Jason's website mods finished, at least for that round.
4b) Have also updated my game quite a bit. Whee. Feel free to make an account and try it out! :D
The AI is still pretty failtastic, but the core game loop and logic is all there.

5) Still supposedly looking for a car. Way behind on this last oil change, too. -_-

New stuff:

6) I got my parts list for a new computer down to under $1000, which means I'll actually be under-budget next month!! (Assuming no unwanted price increases.) That'll give me money to get a new keyboard and mouse if needed, so I may actually have 2 Linux machines up and running, haha. Not that I'll be using this one for long, one the new one is set up.
6b) And by popular request, I'll be hosting a webcam/google hangout thing of me assembling it; I'm aiming for the 7th of April but I don't have a time slot yet, and it could get pushed back to the 9th instead.
Shouldn't be exciting but may be educational; estimating an hour or two (or more, if I get carried away with testing things and have an operating system ready).

7) Also got to get more comic books today. I think I missed a month or two of that.... Anyway, still a nice selection in the $.25 pile, spent $4 plus tax today ^^

8) Trying to do a mite of cleaning today, as well as trying to get ahead on ninjas for the next session or two.

9) Ninjas is up to 4 PCs now! Have I posted a link here to the obsidian portal site we're using? Ah, looks like I did back in January. Yay :)

10) In other news... Tom moved out a couple months ago. Not sure if that's good or bad, but things have been less social around here. Doesn't mean I've been any more productive with my time, of course :)

Eh, I think I'll call that it for this post. Hopefully that'll give me more incentive to post sooner rather than later!
  » NP : Good point, I should get right on that... -loads RadioU's new Fusion:Electronic 24-7 stream-
  » SHORTY CODE : http://tgbob.com/?845
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11