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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 4/13/2014 1:38:15 AM
MOOD: cheerful «

Not... quite 2 week gap. Sorry about the missing week, trying to make this a Sat-night-after-work thing.
...Though I guess with next Sat Passover, I'll gap again. Well, maybe some mid-week after-work thing? Eh. We'll see.

Resetting timelogs since my last post, but first, here's results since last time:
* Lots of time spent reading (and a couple hrs watching anime , more on that later)
* Decent amount of time spend on Earthdawn (still working on chardev stuff, since TRB wants a nice bit of background written up and I'm trying to comply)
* Several hours spent on games, though over a two week period I only logged 7 hrs? That's much lower than I'd expect; again, more on that later.
* Actual projects have 3, 2, 1, and 0 hrs logged. Part of that was the website I'm trying to move FROM had a week or so of downtime and I didn't feel like trying to recreate database structure from scratch.


5) ...still no library. sheesh. Maybe tomorrow? Well, that and comic books, since I finally have a free day.

6) Temps finally got back up to 55 either today or yesterday... so when I get a few minutes downtime I need to clean the heatsink and undervolt again, see what that does. Also, I should try rerunning that POV render that will take a week or so of processing, and see how Kotomi handles that now. :3

A) Sleep times seem to be smoothing out a bit.

alpha) Emotional seems to be mostly handled, but I've really been depressive. I'm gonna expand on this in a later section though.

beta) ya know, I think I'll just got for Win7. So gotta set up a plan for saving up for that.

1) No new news. This is backburner stuff so I'll just repost when/if I have something worth saying.

New stuff:
B) So someone at work is trying to make friends with me. This is a curiousity; there was an older lady that I ate lunch with during my first year or so there, but she ended up... moving to Las Vegas, was it? I forget.
So anyway, not entirely sure what to make of it. It's good for morale, though, and made me realize that I don't have any female friends out here since Lucy moved away. Not sure what to make of THAT either.
Our days off don't mesh at all, so she's only at work 3 of my workdays... but apparently she lives somewhere in the same town here.

C) So, um, yeah. Depression. Not sure how much is due to social isolation (I really only see my roommate maybe two evenings a week? And have people to hang out with only one night every other week... and really only get time to Do Stuff on my own twice a week, IF I'm not visiting friends instead. The latter usually happens.) I don't really FEEL depressed but I've not been in a writing mood in over a year, I'm spending more time than I expect to just reading... and very little time working on projects. So depressed or not, I am REALLY drained, and either not recovering properly or don't have enough time for it. (Can't quite tell which.)

D) TGB and I did get to do two fun things this past week or so:
* We started watching Sword Art Online; well, he started rewatching it with me after
I think it's really episodic (too much timeskip and it totally ignores the mundane aspects of "life" in that setting, which doesn't work outside of a mundane setting), but so far it's interesting enough.... and trying to work through setting up a political framework in a 10-thousand-or-less-and-counting-down VR world that people are just dumped into... and each person beats the game or dies on their own... that would be freaking awesome. Except I'd probably suck at it ;)
* Also watched Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Pretty solid movie. I seem to have one minor displeasure, one comment, and two compliments. Oh wait, and another comment/bit of canon weirdness. Spoilering them, because.

* Easter this upcoming week.
* First 'real' Earthdawn session.
* GURPS on Tues, before Earthdawn. That'll be interesting >_>
* Now that I've got a website set up again, I need to repopulate the databases and get back to work on the purchase/sell AI for my game.

(Saving a copy of this just in case I break the site again)
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