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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 9/9/2013 12:01:21 AM
MOOD: accomplished «

[ Now where'd my Wheel of Morality(TM) go? ]

Ouch. Just about 2 months gap this time? Sorry! (Not that anyone reads these anymore... but I like leaving some sort of paper trail here, since I haven't been keeping any real sort of diary since I moved.)

Doesn't seem like much of import has happened; work is the same old--except for new processes that really are a good thing to have, there's just been a lot to adjust to--which simply means there is a variety of things I'm being pushed to do, as usual. I don't suck at this job, but I try to be too helpful, essentially. That, and people don't understand that wireless is a perk, and it's slow. Seriously, people: don't try to watch HD video on a wireless connection, and don't cry to me when it starts working. There's reasons it took what, forty years to get wireless Matrix? Ah, it wasn't that long really, maybe just 30 before it started showing up, but another ten (and Crash 2.0) before it went ubiquitous, and that's probably Sader-Krupp's fault as much as anything else--but I digress.

In other job-related news, I *have* been doing much better at waking early (or even on time)--haven't had any occurrences in about two weeks. Not entirely sure what to make of that, but I suppose it's a good thing.
Also related to occurrences: there was a recent communication telling everyone to start taking breaks and lunches as scheduled. I still don't think I'm going to do that much (I like a short break at 4, lunch as late as possible, and then the rest of my break just before the end of my shift) as they like scheduling breaks and lunches close together, or very early in my shift. However, they specifically mentioned that taking a break in the final hour of one's shift counts as "call avoidance" which is, presumably, a Very Bad Thing, so I'm trying to take my final break sometime between 8 and 8:30 instead. Ah well.

And now: followup from last post!
1) Still have not done job searching. I suck, and I only have a few months left to land something; though I think I'll have to postpone my "quit" date to Feb 1 in order to take proper advantage of paid vacation time.
2) Just cleaned the bathroom again; 2 months is far too long between cleanings, but it's better than previous...
3) Never did get to see my mum for lunch/chinese, but she and my dad stopped by a couple times so I guess that counts?
4) Ah, so it has been about 2 months since my last haircut! Didn't get to that today, so have to this Tuesday.

5/PS) Did get the Ford Taurus. After repairs the whole thing was close to $3000, which isn't too bad considering it has fewer miles than the Grandam (which cost $4000 en toto).

It still makes clanky noises, mostly due to the sway bar having a loose clamp, or whatever that's called... so far the replaced sway bar links have not broken, which is a good sign. Only one link was intact when I got the car.

Decided to keep the Grandam around as an emergency vehicle (and also since it took /forever/ to get the Taurus finished), which was a good decision because my roommate's transmission finally died a week or so back. So he's driving the Grandam to work and such until he gets back on his feet and can get something better. If that takes more than two months I may make him buy it off of me for a few hundred, but we'll see how that goes down. In the meantime I get to bother him for the upkeep on it.

OK, that's enough about cars :p

New Stuff:

1) Like I said, need to do jobhunting. I think I have a slightly better handle on it, but there's still a lot of anxiety there, mostly because I haven't done any tech job interviews, and don't know what to expect AT ALL.

2) I have an idea for a side data project; I can plausibly do the number-crunching as a Linux script/cron job, but would like to see if I can retrofit it completely to a webpage. Either way, I also want to end up with the 2-day forecast on my desktop, refreshed automagically. That'll be a completely different script, and may have one or two other things to deal with as well to finish setting it up.

3) Ah, right: ninjas. Trying to set up the Chuunin exams. Also trying to avoid having to stat up every single other nin, but there are a couple ways around it--starting with, only have 65 genin present, and not all of them will even be in the second exam, let alone the final. Still, GMing this is eating up a lot of my time. After the exams I'm expecting to ask for a break so I can plot out the next time period, etc etc...

4) Haven't had a chance to work on any setup for AMVs... but I have been catching up on some anime! Got a couple DVDs with good footage for the "HSKT" concept video (which has probably been done before but should be good for a "pure" video). Have to re-rip it though, since it has footage at mixed speeds. Sigh. Seems easier to rip once at each speed than try to have the ripper figure out what speed any particular frame is.

5) Oo, my brother got a weekend job at the Ren Faire! He's pretty amped about it, and I would be too.

6)Brad found the Tri-Stat "cyber punk setting" book , Ex Machina, so I'm borrowing it first, apparently. Not entirely sure what to make of it, aside from ideas on how a setting book should be laid out. Might be worth putting together something in the way of a Tri-stat Ninja setting book. Like I'll ever have the time for that ;)

7) Mostly been playing StarCraft 2, watching anime, and listening to "Welcome to Night Vale" podcast (via SoundCloud but the first link has a variety of feeds). I highly recommend the latter; it's amazingly shiny.

Speaking of anime, I'm currently going through Read or Die (OVA and TV series) and Tim says that BGC 2040 is on Netflix, so that'll be next; got to see the original OVA and the first half of 2040 several years back but never did get to finish it. (And then I'll have to dig up Crash, but that will be for later...) Also intending to try to find the AMG manga at some point; not sure if I can spend the time on the anime of that or not, but whatever.
  » NP : random MP3s
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11