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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 6/16/2013 2:11:19 AM
MOOD: energetic «

Wow. It's been 2 months this time? (Or very nearly.) Sorry about that.

Not a ton of stuff to report, though, but here's some of the highlights:


    * Finally settled on an exercise schedule. Not keeping to it 100%, but I am keeping to it. Not sure my heart rate is getting high enough, but it is helping my mood!
    * Got a new roommate (Hi, Bob!).
    * Fanfic reading has mostly been a redo of "Nuke 'Em Till They Glow: Terra in Tokyo", which is a weird story set in the Sailor Moon setting. It reminds me of the crazy stuff I wrote in high school--and that's a good thing!
    * So while waiting on chapters of that to be posted, I went and read the original "Nuke 'Em Till They Glow", which is crazier, more crossover-iffic (not necessarily good, but again, reminds me of the crazy stuff I wrote), and has probably The Best Ending I can imagine. And it would take a story like that one to pull it off and make it work without me totally hating it, because the story really wasn't over yet! (Only now it is.) So it's The Best Ending Ever, but I'm still mad about it ;)
    * Finally found that a chapter of "Reflections Lost on a Dark Road" had gotten posted back around New Year's. I think it's getting close to only that chapter being posted in an entire year... which is sad, because I really dig the XCom/Ranma crossover continued here, and adding Teen Titans to that mix was fun as well. Still looking forward to more.
    * Finished up the StarCraft 2 campaign, and have been playing around on some of the multiplayer maps. Don't want to get pwned so not playing competitive, but survival and tower defense has always been fun in StarCraft..... but I think I'm about ready to put that up and get back to extra-curricular projects.
    * Fallout3 kinda-sorta works, but the DLC/addons pretty much do NOT :( And now it keeps crashing or just not rendering the screen (just has a HUD on a black screen) so I'm gonna be done with that for a bit also. Still want to try New Vegas, though, if I can find money to get that sometime.
    * Speaking of projects: I've ripped Witch Hunter Robin and the first season of Death Note. Watching through Witch Hunter again (slowly) with Jason, looking for footage to try to put something together for tEG's "Flame". Honestly don't know if the footage exists, since I don't have a good feel for the song's intent, honestly. (Hard to match up footage when one just isn't feeling the song.) But we'll see what I get.

June so far:

    * No forward motion on the web-game or on job hunting. Bah.
    * Still mixed signals regarding how depressed I am. Even odds it means I'm too depressed to be able to tell... or else I'm just overworked/underslept.
    * One good thing at work: I'm under 4 "occurrences" now and they've started pulling me of the phones intermittently to answer hands in the training section. (When someone has a question or something, they put their hand up... and I get to wander around a couple rows helping people out.) It's actually fun, probably the only actual fun I've had there after I started taking calls. Now to keep my occurrences down and see if I can actually get transferred to something else at this place that isn't just phones.
    * No news on the car. Probably time for an oil change again (mileage-wise, I need those every 2 months). Still haven't really looked for a replacement.
    * Sundays are now "hang out online and play ninjas with my brother". Which is cool, but it's every week and it's the 8-hour sessions that we did back in Shadyside, so there goes one of my free days. So far it's worth it, though :) And (depending on the results) I may have pulled off one of the defining moments of my ninja career; I'll probably have to post that here once I see the fallout ^_^
    * Just got the $40 rebate prepaid card things from purchasing my computer... so now I have to determine what I'm doing with those. Food budget this month is a little tight, or I could try to pick up some anime for AMVs, or I could look for New Vegas or get some new music... Still undecided.
    * Tues night ninjas is kind of dragging out, partly because I'm not used to 2 hour sessions (or planning for something that short) and partly because I'm not really spending much time on it during the week. I'm thinking of putting it on hiatus after we get through the chuunin exams, but that may not be this year anyway, haha.


    * Finally getting my self-debt paid off this month. Haven't been there since I moved out here, so: Finally! Of course, that'll only last till I get another car ;)
    * Gonna start saving up for glasses. The lens coating on these ones has started coming off near the nose, which isn't interfering with vision yet, but they won't last forever...
    * Also trying to work on dressing up some at work. That's still in the planning stages though, apparently; I need to actually survey my current clothing and see what is usable and what all I need to go buy... Anyone want to go clothes shopping with me? x_o
    * Ninjas, ninjas, ninjas! Just wish I could find a way to leverage that better....
    * No one here cares, but: There's gonna be a Megatokyo Visual Novel. I'm gonna get it. There's gonna be a Kickstarter for it sometime soon, and I'll probably actually sign up there.

Well, I think that's most everything for tonight. I have to wake up early to go shopping before ninjas, and that never happens on my days off, so >_<
And I'm not tired enough yet to try to fall asleep, either.
So I'm gonna go find something to do until I can sleep, I suppose. Good night, everyone!
  » NP : trying to /stop/ playing, actually....
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11