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» CATEGORY: Member Blog
 BY: Strike & Co. «
» POSTED ON: 6/10/2012 3:20:15 AM
MOOD: ecstatic «

[ but I can't but I can't 'cause you all have ]

Ok. Slightly weird couple of days. Weds night/Thurs AM couldn't fall asleep again, slept in a couple hours from work and still only had 6 hrs sleep.

That night I took a nap shortly after getting back from work, turned into 4 hrs sleep, was awake in bed for an hour, then watched Demolition Man. (finally! thanks, Netflix!)

Then another 4 hour 'nap' then back to work... couldn't repeat that split-shift nap, though. Was up till the usual 3 or 4 am, 7 hrs sleep, back to work.

Did see Ghost in the Shell:SAC: Solid State Society (also "finally! Thanks, Netflix!"). Yay. Going to have fun making Jason get caught up on watching anime after I move back in with him :)

And now it's 2:30 (wow, so late?) and I'm back at my parents' waiting for the morning to go up north with them & my sister for a cousin's HS graduation party.
Not sure how the next couple days are gonna go...

Followup on last post's notes:
* Moving in will be some mix of 17th, 20th, 27th. Anyone have a van I can borrow one of those days? ^_^ 17th would be easiest on me, but I'll take what I can get. Shouldn't be too many trips overall.

* I've gotten items split up into different slots... Still don't have the AI finished for selling or buying though.

* Planning on doing some more comic-book shopping this Weds, since I just got paid again! ^_^ Need to make a list of the ones I actually have, since now I have a couple duplicates... and my brother actually had some of the X-Force I picked up, as well. Uncertain if that's good or bad.

New stuff:
* Wearing my kilt to my sister's wedding. Need to try to buy proper socks for it, still. Still can't really believe that is happening....... Gonna see her on the 20th, likely the last day I see her before the wedding. I wonder what she's doing for a bachelorette party?

* No one else will care about this, but it was a high point of my.... month? year? not sure. Anyway:
Final chapter of Drunkard's Walk (V) was posted this past week.
Sure, it's 4 years overdue (I'm a sucker for long drawn-out stories, eh?), but that's not the shiny part.
The shiny part is that tEG's song "Supernova" played a major role in it-so much so that the entire lyrics were used throughout the story. ( <3 )
Normally a song is mentioned, and then referenced through out a scene; this just happened to be a major scene (climax of the entire series) and Mr Shroeck did an excellent presentation thereof, IMO.
(Of course, anything would be better than the AMVs I've seen for that song... and IMO, Drunkard's Walk is well-written in general.)

Not only am I in shock that tEG was used to begin with, but I think that was the biggest role a single song has played---though I do need to go re-read Step 2; I only remember a couple of the songs from that one (Pinball Wizard, Black Hole Sun, Konya Wa Hurricane)

That's all I have to say on that, right now... gonna go kill some time till I'm sleepy again :)

[ guns for hands, yeah ]
  » NP : RadioU Fusion (on the drive here)
I APPROVE!!!!!11one I DISAPPROVE!!!!!11